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Taking a break

Today’s post will have nothing to do with parenting.  Today, I am on a break from parenting.  Well, at least for the hour that both of my children might actually take naps.  And you know what?  ALL parents, no matter how perfect and angelic their children may be, need breaks from time to time.  If you disagree, you are either lying…or you’re just weird.

So, in lieu of my typical posts on parenting, today, I am choosing to write about a newly budding love of mine: gardening.  (I apologize for the pun…but my mother will be proud…she prides herself in saying punny things).  If you happened to read my very first blog ever, you may have noticed that on my list of “to-do’s” for this year was planting a garden…with the goal of actually producing something worthwhile.  Well, folks, we don’t have vegetables yet, but there is some hard core evidence of future produce out there in that dirt!  I am pumped, to say the least!

We are lucky enough to live next door to dear friends of ours.  So Neighbor Wife and I decided to collaborate on this effort, knowing that both of us, as mothers of 2, are strapped for time (and cash).  We have planned together, purchased seeds and equipment together, tilled together, planted together, flown by the seat of our pants together…and celebrated our victories together.

I am extremely proud to say that at the current moment, we have the following planted and ACTUALLY GROWING in our garden: potatoes, onions, broccoli, carrots, beans, peas, squash, okra, zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumber.  We have also planted 6 different herbs, but haven’t seen any growth yet.  And hopefully our bell pepper seedlings will do something, so we can plant those in the ground as well.  I burst with pride every time I witness a new step in the right direction. 

As for my purpose in writing about this today…Honestly, I’m just that excited about it, and so I simply felt the urge to express it.  But also, I wanted to encourage you to try something new!  Ever get in a rut?  Do you need a hobby?  It’s so easy, as a parent, to pour 100% of our time into our kids.  And don’t get me wrong: our kids are important.  In fact, they should definitely take priority over our hobbies.  But it’s okay to find enjoyment in something else too.  Like I said, all parents need a break sometimes. 

As for me, my “break” has already come to an end.  My oldest is surprisingly not napping (if you sensed sarcasm in that comment, you sensed correctly).  So, out to the garden I shall go…with my trusty 3-year old companion at my side. 


  1. I am jealous! I want a garden...hoping to do this by next year. I may have to come check yours out. :) Sounds like you have some great crops coming!!


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