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Showing posts from April, 2013

Taking a break

Today’s post will have nothing to do with parenting.  Today, I am on a break from parenting.  Well, at least for the hour that both of my children might actually take naps.  And you know what?  ALL parents, no matter how perfect and angelic their children may be, need breaks from time to time.  If you disagree, you are either lying…or you’re just weird. So, in lieu of my typical posts on parenting, today, I am choosing to write about a newly budding love of mine: gardening.  (I apologize for the pun…but my mother will be proud…she prides herself in saying punny things).  If you happened to read my very first blog ever, you may have noticed that on my list of “to-do’s” for this year was planting a garden…with the goal of actually producing something worthwhile.  Well, folks, we don’t have vegetables yet, but there is some hard core evidence of future produce out there in that dirt!  I am pumped, to say the least! We are luc...