Bees’ll buzz. Kids’ll blow dandelion fuzz. And I’ll be doing whatever snow does in summer. Tee hee, ok so I couldn’t resist. Moving on. Summer is here! This is the time of the year that if you are a parent (especially a stay-at-home parent), you might find yourself in one of two categories: Parent A: You have been counting down the days for weeks now and it’s finally here! You have already made a list of all the things you plan to do with your kids, including craft projects, trips to the splash park, and of course, the library’s summer reading program. You’ve spent countless hours, exhausting the likes of Pinterest and parenting blogs in order to come up with plenty of “Free things to do with your kids” ideas. You’re excited. You’re ready. Parent B: You’re still in denial that the school year is over. You are wondering how in the world you’re going to get your grocery shopping done, now that you have to lug ...