As you have figured out by now, my goal to produce these posts about the “Over Time” series in a matter of 6 or 7 weeks has been rather unsuccessful. However, thanks to the encouragement from Kevin, my dear husband, I’m not allowing myself to feel like a failure. I’ve always been slightly ridiculous when it comes to goals and meeting them. So this time, I’m learning to take a page out of Kevin’s book: Goals are great. Aim to achieve them. But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t, and certainly don’t give up. That said…I started this in early July. It’s now the beginning of October, and I still have 2 more posts after this one. And that’s okay. The funny thing is, I’ve actually been eager to write this particular post since I got started. This is my very favorite of all the things a child needs over time…stories. Have you ever thought about the role that storytelling plays in the life of your child? Probably not. ...