I love conversations with Oliver. And the other day, I had some that were the jot-it-down-so-I-don’t-forget-it kind. Ever have those? They’re the best…especially when they involve some sort of proof that what I’m teaching my child is, in fact, sinking in. I attend a weekly women’s Bible study on Thursday mornings. There is childcare for my kids. But it’s more than just childcare. They actually teach your children the same lesson that the adults learn each week. They teach songs, and all sorts of other cool stuff. Last week, we were on our way home from Bible study. I decided to start asking Oliver what he had learned about in his class. He gave the typical answer, “God.” I’m sure he did learn about God, but I was hoping for a little more. After some unsuccessful probing, I settled on the fact that he wasn’t going to tell me all about Abram and God’s promise that he would give him a son. I decided to ch...