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Showing posts from 2012

First. One. Ever.

Happy 2013!  I am getting a head start on my list of New Year’s goals this year.  It makes me feel good to make lists, only because I experience pure thrill when I get to cross things off when I’ve actually done them.  So, here’s to crossing things off of lists! Goals for 2013: Finally start the blog that I’ve been considering for the past couple years Lose 7 more pounds Exercise (this makes it on my list every year) Read through the Harry Potter series…for the 2 nd time Grow even closer to God (this also is on my list every year)   Have a successful garden that actually produces edible crops Begin composting (sigh) That felt good!  Really though, I have been tossing around the idea of starting this blog for quite some time.  I’ve been reluctant because, frankly, I think blogging is weird.  I feel funny writing down my thoughts and putting them out there like people actually care what I have to say. But here’s what...